

We're asking you to commit to take 10% of your total income for the next 90 days and give it to God through the church.



Tithing is God's plan for every follower of Christ. However, the 90 Day Challenge is for individuals or families that have not been tithing. Tithing is 10% of your income, not just regular or spontaneous giving in the church offering.



The 90 Day Challenge will begin next week June 11th and will go through September 10th. You will faithfully tithe 10% of your income, and at the end of 90 days you have another 30 days to request a full refund.


The only thing in the Bible that God says to test Him on is tithing. We believe in it so strongly that we want to give you the opportunity to take God at His Word. God promises to take care of your financial needs when you trust Him by giving Him the first ten percent. He promises He will take care of all of our needs, you may not get a raise or a new car, but God will take care of your needs.


We understand that giving away 10% of your income can be a big (and often scary) commitment! That's why we created the 90 Day Tithing Challenge: a money-back guarantee of sorts.

Essentially, it's a contract based on the promises of God in Malachi 3:10-11.

We commit to you that if you tithe for three months and God doesn't hold true to His promises of blessings, we will refund 100% of your tithe. No questions asked.

Terms and Conditions Before participating in the 90 Day Challenge:

  1. I understand that this form must be completed and received by EpicLife Church prior to the beginning of the 90 Day Tithe Challenge period. (Deadline is June 11, 2017)

  2. I understand that my household qualifies for participation because we have not been tithing.

  3. I understand that if paid at the physical service at EpicLife, my tithe must be paid by check, credit/debit card, or through text to give, so that my tithe can be properly credited.

  4. I understand that I cannot seek a refund prior to the end of the 90 Day Tithing Challenge period, and I understand that I cannot seek a refund unless I complete the entirety of the 90 day period with consistent and faithful giving.

  5. I understand that I cannot seek a refund for any contributions made prior to the beginning and end of the 90 Day Tithing Challenge period, (June 11th-September 10th).

  6. I understand that any request for refund must be received by the EpicLife Church office within 30 days of the end of the 90 Day Tithing Challenge Period (September 10th).

You are agreeing to the following: "I would like to test God's faithfulness by accepting the 90 Day Tithe Challenge. I agree that for the three-month period (June 11th- September 10th), my household will contribute to God, through EpicLife, a tithe equal to 10% of our income. At the end of the 90 day period, if I am not convinced of God's faithfulness to bless my life as a result of my obedience to His Word, then I will be entitled to request a refund of the full amount of contributions made during that 90 day period.

You've Got Questions? We've Got Answers! Here's a short list of questions you might have about the 90 Day Challenge and tithing in general.

How do I participate in the 90 Day Challenge?

To participate in the 90 Day Challenge, fill out the form by pressing the button below. 

The first step is click the "Take the 90 Day Challenge" button above. This just lets us know your intent to participate so that we can keep track of your giving. It also gives us your agreement to the terms and conditions of the 90 Day Challenge. Once you are signed up you need to specify that when you give,  your money is a part of the challenge. You can do this by consistently writing "90 Day Challenge" in the memo on your checks, in the text subject of your text 2 give, or on the front of the EpicLife giving envelope. The last step is to take a full 10% of your income at each paycheck, text to give, or write a check to EpicLife and put it in the offering on Sunday morning. You can also give with your credit or debit card.

Can I give online?

Yes. You can give safely and securely online by visiting the link here: epiclifeorl.com.

How will you keep track of my tithe? 

EpicLife carefully and confidentially tracks each gift in order to provide each giver with an end of the year report on their contributions by request.

What are the benefits of tithing?

Tithing carries multiple facets that will benefit your life. First, God commands it and any time we take God at His word we are using faith, and faith can move mountains. God promises to "open up the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing on you". In the book of Matthew, Jesus tells us that if we look after God's Kingdom first, that He will provide for our physical needs. Also, in this country, when you give to a not-for-profit organization (like EpicLife), you receive a tax benefit. At the end of the year, by request, EpicLife will provide you with records of the total amount you have given over the year. When you file your taxes, your charitable donations are tax-deductible. And last, but not least, when you decide to become a percentage giver you create margin in your life. By choosing to live on a lesser percentage of your income, when difficult situations and circumstances arise that margin will carry you through.

Where does my money go?

EpicLife is 100% supported through your tithes and offerings. The money you give goes toward paying rent, salaries, equipment purchases, community service events, etc. As we approach each new year and carefully and prayerfully develop our budget, we are looking through the eyes of faith into what we feel God wants us, as a church, to accomplish for Him.

So, with new opportunities for ministry, we have new opportunities to change lives and to build His Kingdom. Should I give while I'm trying to get out of debt?

Yes! This may sound irrational, because getting out of debt should be one of the highest priorities in your financial planning. By obeying God first in your finances, we believe that God will supernaturally revolutionize your financial situation. Since getting out of debt is all about discipline, just think of the benefits of developing a financial plan that includes God’s plan of faithful percentage giving! If you need more advice on this please contact us at 407-599-5620.