21 Days of Prayer
For the next 21 days we are Believing for the Impossible!
Luke 18:27: “Jesus replied, ‘What is impossible with man is possible with God."
Today starts our 21 Days of Prayer as a church and our theme is "Believing for the Impossible!" Set some time aside each day to ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you over the next 21 days. These next 21 days are a time to hit reset and devote yourself to seeking God in a fresh way. We are believing God for big things to happen in our church over the next three weeks. We are believing that as you press into God and set time aside to pray each day, God is going to speak to you. Carve out some quiet time to pray, journal, and meditate on God’s word. Even fifteen minutes can refresh your soul. Let's go!
This is going to be such an exciting 21 days! Whether you feel like you’ve had a slow, difficult, or sluggish past few months, we believe that giving yourself fully to 21 days of prayer will build momentum in your life. Leonard Ravenhill said, “The two prerequisites to successful Christian living are vision and passion, both of which are born and maintained by prayer.” You may see things change instantly, and you may not. However, be assured God is at work in you, your family, and your situations. His Word says in Hebrews 11:6 that, "He IS a rewarder of those who diligently seek him." So, let the seeking begin! There is great treasure to be found. Each day contains a prayer focus. This includes one or two Scriptures to declare and meditate on and also prayer points. Please note that the prayer points are only suggestions, so feel free to pray into each area in the way the Holy Spirit leads. All we ask is that you take some time to pray each day for the theme that’s given. This way there will be lots of focused prayer about each area, bringing breakthrough both personally and corporately. Our desire as a church is to create a culture of prayer where we see breakthrough, miracles, and God answering prayer on a daily basis. We are asking that you commit to pray at least three times a day for five minutes. We believe that praying for the Impossible is the fuel for our vision!
What’s Holding Us Back from Seeing the Impossible?
As James 4:2 explains, we have not because we do not ask God. Some might wonder if it’s testing God to ask in such big ways? But after all, God tells us He is the God of the impossible. And He is the One who says, “nothing is too difficult” for Him. As recorded in Jeremiah 32:17, “Ah, Sovereign Lord, You have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.”
Are We Underestimating What God Can Do?
How many times do we forget what God is able to accomplish? Are we so accustomed to how the world works that we have come to underestimate what God can do? Have we been limiting how He is able to move on our behalf? Yet, isn’t He the One who gives life to the dead and calls those things, which are not, into existence? (Romans 4:17)
Are We Forgetting to Approach and Ask with Boldness?
Have we forgotten what Hebrews 4:16 urges us to do? “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Like 1 John 5:14,15 explains, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of Him.”
Our Asking Reveals Our Faith and Pleases God
It pleases God when we step out in faith. Hebrews 11:6 tells us, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him”. It also glorifies God to answer us. “And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son” (John 14:13).
As you pray daily here are some prayer points to ask God as you pray:
● Pray for clarity
● Pray to hear His voice more clearly
● Pray for a greater understanding of the Bible
● Pray for grace for the next 21 days
● Pray for personal growth
The next 21 days will impact your life and increase your faith in a powerful way if you will stay dedicated and consistent. Keep your Bible out on a kitchen table or bedside stand where you can see it. When you are tempted to run to social media or Netflix, it’s a gentle calling and reminder to run towards truth. Read a favorite devotional and then look up the accompanying verses. Download the YouVersion Bible app to find dozens of devotionals and resources that will enhance the next 21 days.
For the next 21 days we will be praying prayers based on these 6 areas:
As you pray every day, start with these 6 areas below to pray and enter into God's presence.
1. Forgiveness
Mark 11:25-26: "Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father who is in heaven will also forgive you your transgressions. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your transgressions.”
Why is it important to forgive?
It releases us to live our lives. No matter how deep the pain you may feel from being wronged, living with unforgiveness in your life can cause untold mental pain and even lead to physical illness. Sometimes we need to forgive ourselves. It may be that you have let somebody or yourself down - this can lead to inner frustration and anger with yourself, and even guilt. Forgiveness releases the heart to walk away from these negative feelings. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you anything you may have in your heart towards another person.
Forgive anyone you may hold anything in your heart towards. 1 Corinthians 13:5 says, "Love keeps no record of wrongs". Forgiveness needs to be a regular activity - even daily if necessary. How many times should I forgive my brother or children! Not seven but seventy times seven - it's something that we need to keep on doing.
Pray this prayer of Forgiveness:
Father, I come to You today, asking first for Your forgiveness for the sin in my life. I choose to turn from that sin and obey You. Thank You for your grace and mercy. Give me the strength and power to extend that same mercy and grace to those in my life who have hurt me. God, help me to forgive myself, and let go of the shame I still carry. Today, I receive that gift of forgiveness You hold out to me. Thank you for doing a healing work inside of me that I cannot do on my own. Thank you for a new day, a new chapter, and a new beginning. I am believing for the Impossible! In Jesus' name, Amen!
2. Faith
Hebrews 11:1: "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:6: "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."
Isaiah 40:31: "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength".
Trusting God for the impossible takes learning to believe in the unseen. Faith is confidence in what we can’t see. We believe it, but we can't see it yet. If you're believing God for a promise that you're still waiting on, hope will come when you verbalize your faith. Praise and thanksgiving - is verbalized faith. Thanking God after the prayer is answered is called gratitude. Thanking God before it happens, is called faith. Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. Don't lose hope! It doesn't matter how long you have to wait ...wait and don't lose hope! Hope deferred makes the heart sick! God wants you well and whole! I have learned through the process of waiting is that delay is not denial! In fact, the longer the wait the greater the miracle! Don't be discouraged by what you see now. Put your hope in the Lord and trust that He has a plan! Greater days are coming!
Pray this prayer to increase your faith to believe for the impossible:
Heavenly Father, I thank you that you are my strength. You are the Lion of Judah. You are all powerful, all knowing, all present. Your word says that wherever I go you never leave me. Father as I prepare to make this decision and step into a new space, I pray that you would always be two steps ahead of me, preparing the way, showing me the doors that are open. Lord, I pray that you would be always near me and feel me with holy confidence that only comes from you. Your word says in Mark 11:24, that "whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Father, I ask that you would increase my faith to put my trust in You. Thank you that out of Your glorious riches, you are strengthening me with power through your Spirit, and you dwell in my heart through faith. Mark 9:23 says, “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Father, I put my trust and my faith in You because I know that nothing is impossible with You. I know You will make a way when there is no way. You do great and mighty miracles and gave me authority to tell the mountains in my way to move. Give me strength to believe, trust and have faith in You. I believe that You are Lord. You are the God Most High. You are the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Erase my doubt, Jesus. Take it all away. Help my unbelief. God, You are my strength and I put my trust in You. You have never forsaken those who seek You. You have never let me down. I know that You will never let me down because my life so far has been a testimony of Your greatness. Mold me into Your image, and hold me close to You. Show me how to mature as a Christian and improve on my walk of faith. Steady my trust in You so that it never wavers, no matter what battles I face on this earth. I declare that my faithfulness to You will be strong at all times and I am believing for the Impossible! In Jesus’ name, amen!
3. Family
Joshua 24:15: "But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”
1 Cor 6:19-20: “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.”
A prayer of blessing over your family every day is one of the most important things you can do. God promises to cover and protect them as they go throughout their day. Thank Him for giving you the strength to lead them by example and for giving you wisdom to bring reconciliation and healing in your family.
Pray this prayer to believe for the impossible in the lives of your family members:
God, I ask for Your protection over my family in this fallen world. I thank You that nothing can separate us from Your love, and that You are our provider and protector. Strengthen and protect us from the evil one. I intercede for my family, and especially my children, that You protect them from the evil one. Place a hedge of protection around my children as they go to school and return, as they are at play with their friends, when they are in other homes and other locations away from us, and when they are on social media and on the internet. Help us to be strong and courageous, to not be afraid or terrified, no matter what the circumstances, and to remember that You go with us wherever we go, and You will never leave us or forsake us. I thank You that You pass through the waters and walk through the fires with us, and we will not be overwhelmed. We will not fear the terrors of the night, nor the dangerous things that fly at us in the day. We claim Your protection and will not fear disease or calamity. I ask that You protect my family from making unwise decisions. First, as parents, may we be insightful in making decisions that affect our family’s welfare and security. Help our children not to make rash decisions that would bring them or others to harm. I ask that discretion will protect us and that understanding will guard us. Help us not to forsake wisdom, but to love her and receive her watchful care over us. I ask that You deliver my family from all trouble and fears. Place a hedge of protection around me and my family, around our home and property, and around our workplaces and schools, and may we prosper in all our hands find to do. Be our defense from all harm and inconveniences. Your faithfulness is our shield and our stronghold. Thank you for favor and blessing that is on my family! I believe you for the Impossible! In Jesus name, Amen.
Additional Family Prayer Points for Children:
● Pray for the children at school
● Courage and boldness
● Being leaders in their school
● To be and have great examples / role models
● Confident and secure in who they are
● Pray for those desiring children
● Salvation for our children
● Healing - physical and emotional
● Peace and joy for children struggling with anxiety or sadness
● Children to grow up loving the house of God
● That the children will know the truth from a young age
Additional Family Prayer Points for Teenagers:
● Courage and Boldness
● Purity
● Knowing who they are in Christ
● Setting an example in school / college
● Security
● Tenacity
● Vision
● Joy
● Hope
● Confidence
● Identity-gender confusion
4. Finances
Philippians 4:19: "And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
Malachi 3:10: “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”
2 Corinthians 9:8: “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
God wants to give you a deeper understanding of biblical principles of generosity and stewardship. As you read these scriptures and pray, He will give you greater wisdom, innovative ideas and supernatural inspiration for kingdom businesses that will bring increase to your life.
Pray this prayer today and believe for Financial Breakthrough:
Lord, I pray that You have Your divine way over my money, You know what I need, and I know that only You can provide it. I thank You for my financial breakthrough, I trust that it is coming! Faithful Father, I bring my financial difficulties to You, knowing You will provide for my needs. God, I pray for breakthrough in my finances, greater increase, jobs, promotions, and debt cancellations. Heavenly Father, I know that I should not be anxious for anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present my requests to You. Father, I present my finances before You, and I pray for a financial miracle in my life. I pray for an increase in wealth and a decrease in losses. I choose to let go of the anxiety and depression that having a lack of finances has caused me. Awesome God, I pray against financial debt right now. I pray against financial oppression and declare financial prosperity instead. I declare a miracle in my finances because I know that You do not want me to be anxious or oppressed. Whenever I feel harassed by bills that need to be paid, I will not worry but I will put my unwavering confidence in Your power to save. I thank You for Your promises of deliverance. I don’t need to fear because my hope is in You. I praise You, you are my Miracle-worker, and I believe you for the Impossible! In Jesus name, Amen!
5. Freedom:
John 8:36: "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
James 4:7: “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”
Galatians 5:1: “It is for freedom that Christ has set you free.”
Pray for personal freedom from any area that is holding you back
Pray this prayer today and believe for Freedom:
Jesus, I know that You are true and that the truth will set me free. Jesus, help me to rejoice in the truth. I need to believe the truth. I pray that it really would set me free. Help me with my unbelief, Jesus. You know my heart, and know that I need help believing. Thank You, Jesus, that You offer truth to Your children. Thank You for Your patience with me. Jesus, I have been listening to too many lies for far too long. I have been tricked by the enemy. I need to be free from these lies. Jesus, I need Your strength in order to overcome the power of addiction that is keeping me captive. I feel helpless. I feel lost. Dear Lord, please come and change me. Give me the power I need to conquer in every area that has be bound. My only hope is You, Lord. Please invade my life and take away the taste for anything other than your presence. I renounce every claim I gave the evil one in my life and I bring the blood of Christ now against the strongholds and against the spirits operating here. I plead the blood of Jesus against all spirits of addiction, of alcoholism, all spirits of rage, of homosexuality, and so on. I banish these enemies from my life now—from my body, my soul, and my spirit. “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” James 4:7. I resist the devil here and now and I command these spirits to flee in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord.
Holy Spirit guide me so I can be free. Lord, forgive me for giving place in my heart to resentment, to lust, to anger, to alcohol. Forgive me for giving place in my life to resignation and self-reproach and shame, to fear and doubt and control. I renounce it now. Come, Jesus Christ, and take your rightful place in my heart and in my life here. Come and set me free here, in these very places. I plead your blood over these sins, and I break every hold I gave my enemy here, in the name of Jesus Christ. I bring the work of Jesus Christ once more against you [shame, rage, fear, sexual sin, resignation, etc.] and I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to go to the throne of God in His mighty name. It is for freedom that Christ has set you free so I claim my freedom now in the name of Jesus Christ. Jesus, I ask you to sanctify me through and through and I believe you for the Impossible! In Jesus name, Amen!
6. Future
Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Matthew 16:18: “I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
Acts 1:8: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Job 8:7 (MEV): "Though your beginning was small, your end will increase greatly."
Job was 70 years old when he lost everything. He lived another 120 years which means he was 210 years old when he died. Before He died, his children were restored because God gave him 7 more sons and 3 more daughters. He lived to see the 4th generation of his family. His latter was so much greater than his past! His latter years were so much better than his beginning! God restored everything Job had lost with even more than he had before! AND gave him a much greater future! That's the nature of God! He will restore everything the enemy has stolen out of your life. The bible tells us that what you had in the past will seem small compared with the great prosperity you’ll have in the future. You will flourish and your future will be brighter by far than your past. You might have experienced blessing so far but in days to come, things will get even better. Don't be moved by where you are or what you're going through. Trust that God knows what you're going through and He will cause you to be successful. Your future is going to be so much better than your past! Don't be discouraged and don't give up! Get your hopes up because what's coming is greater!!
Pray this prayer to believe for the Impossible for your future:
God, I thank you because I know that what is ahead of me is so much better than what's behind me. I won't look back, shrink back or go back because I know my future is bright! No matter what I've gone through, I refuse to let the past stop me from moving into my future. Greater blessings are coming. Better days are ahead and I believe you for the Impossible! In Jesus name, Amen!
Pray for the future of EpicLife Church:
Take some time today to pray for EpicLife Church. Ask God for his favor to enable us to take new ground and territory as a church. We are believing for the impossible and we expect God for exceedingly, abundantly more! More miracles, more healing, and greater breakthroughs in Jesus' name, Amen!
Prayer points to pray for EpicLife Church:
● Many come to know God
● Greater levels of influence in the city and beyond.
● Courage and tenacity going forward
● For future expansion of Epiclife church
● Raising of more leaders
● Wisdom
● God's favor with buildings
● Release and increase of resources- finance, people, buildings
● Pray for greater vision for our church
● Breakthrough
● Miracles, signs and wonders
Pray for all the different aspects of EpicLife Church; our leaders, volunteers, staff, and departments. We know that it is God’s desire for us to take ground and advance.
Final Scripture:
Matthew 17:20: "Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."